Dr Boglarka CSAK

Doctor Csák BOGLARKA graduated from Semmelweis University of Budapest in 2016. Throughout her university studies, she trained in the most prominent dental clinics in Budapest and spent half-a- year scolarship in Paris, University of Sorbonne Paris Descartes, so she gathered some relevant practical experience. She is currently a resident in Prosthetic Dentistry and Endodontics at the Semmelweis University in Budapest. Boglárka is fluent in English and in French.

My specialty

I am interested in all fields of dentistry but currently my main focus is on endodontics, aesthetic and prosthetic dentistry. I am currently doing my specialization in Prosthetic Dentistry and Endodontics at the Semmelweis University. I love precision in dentistry, but I also try to provide a pleasant environment for my patients during the treatments.

Previous experience

Currently a resident in Prosthetic Dentistry and Endodontics at the Department of Conservative Dentistry, Semmelweis University in Budapest

Congress participations

Dr. Volom Dental: Aesthetic Training – preparing direct aesthetic restauration in the front region of the maxilla

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